Saturday, September 1, 2012

Back to School!

Hey BTS (Back to School) Fashionistas! 

It's that time of year... school's almost back in session, and summer's ending... we know it's sad and hard and tearing-up-worthy, but..... at least there's one thing that sorta makes up for it..... BACK TO SCHOOL SHOPPING!!!!!!
 Now, at first it may seem depressing, because you'll have to wear these clothes in class, but let me tell you: if you have a really cute outfit on and you're bored in class, the cuteness of your outfit helps aid your blank mind. Here's what I mean:

  Now, if you were wearing THIS exact outfit in class, you would be much more entertained because there is so much to look at! So, try to find cheap, cute clothes that you can style differently.

Sales and Bargains,

Alice and  Ruby! 

Here's the latest In and Out Listy!

IN                                                 OUT
Fab outfits                                Sporty summer
                                                     Summer fun
Braids and Glitter                    Pigtails and Ribbon

Eating whatever you want      Watching your weight